Final presentations

Hi everyone,

Just a reminder about our upcoming final project presentations, taking place in MP1115 from 1-5:30pm on Thursday 24th April this upcoming week.

Students have asked what presentation formats are acceptable. Any of the following canonical formats is fine: blackboard, overheads, computer presentations. For computer presentations, please let me know at least 36 hours in advance if you would like me to display your PDF (or Keynote or whatever) file on my machine. If you plan to use your computer, make sure you do a “dry run” in MP1115 first.


Prof. P.

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Lecture 07 and 09 Apr

This is how to derive the beta functions of string theory sigma model!!

P.S.: if you’re interested in the Background Field Method as it relates to one-loop Yang-Mills beta functions and asymptotic freedom of QCD, see Sections 16.6 and 16.7 of Peskin and Schroeder.

(P.P.S.: If you’re a real masochist, you can also peruse some personal notes on the background field method that I made as a graduate student approximately a decade and a half ago…)

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Homework 5

This is due in two weeks – or whenever you get to it; but please do hand it in before the date of the presentations. That way everyone’s grades will be filed on-time. :-)

N.B.: querying the prof about homework questions will not reduce your grade.

Question 1: T-duality

Z18.4 and Z18.5

Question 2: S-duality

(a) Consider the gravitational fields of Dp-branes (p<7) of Type IIB superstring theory. Show that under S-duality D3-branes remain untouched while D1-branes switch roles with fundamental strings and D5-branes switch roles with NS5-branes. Note: you will need to keep track of what happens to the spacetime metric, the dilaton, and the fluxes. (Hint: you may ignore D7-branes and D9-branes.)

(b) Starting from the BPS M2-brane solution of D=11 M theory, prove explicitly that dimensional reduction of the D=11 M2-brane along an M-circle parallel to a worldsheet direction gives the D=10 fundamental string solution of Type IIA.

(c) Starting from the BPS M2-brane solution of D=11 M theory, prove explicitly that dimensional reduction of the D=11 M2-brane along an M-circle transverse to its worldsheet gives the D=10 Type IIA D2-brane solution. (Hint: you may want to consult this section of my TASI notes to see how to “smear” brane geometries in order to force an isometry direction prior to Kaluza-Klein reduction on a circle.)

Question 3: gravity/gauge duality for p=0

Consider the classical D=10 supergravity solution for the geometry of N>>1 D0-branes, in the decoupling limit (where the 1 in the harmonic function is lost).

(a) First let us analyze the closed string picture of this D0-brane system in the decoupling limit. Using Maple (or your other fave computer algebra package), show explicitly a calculation of the Ricci scalar curvature of the D0-brane geometry. In what regime of distance (or, using the string IR/UV relation, in what regime of energy) is this geometry becoming strongly curved in string units, invalidating neglect of string tension corrections to the classical geometry?

(b) Where does the dilaton become strong in this D0-brane geometry, invalidating neglect of string loop corrections to the classical geometry? What description of the physics will take over in the regime of strong dilaton? Why?

(c) Using the above info from (a) and (b), prove that for N>>1 there is a wide range of energy/distance in which the D=10 supergravity solution is a good approximation to the physics of N>>1 D0-branes.

(d) Now we switch to consider the open string picture. Using dimensional analysis, write down the dimensionless ‘t Hooft gauge coupling of the d=0+1 supersymmetric nonabelian quantum mechanics living on the D0-branes. Where does this ‘t Hooft coupling become strong? How does the power-law running behaviour you see fit in with what you learned in part (a) and your QFT courses?

(e) Comment on the physical significance of how different pieces of this picture fit together in a consistent way.

Question 4: stringy/cosmological

Show – at whatever level of sophistication you are comfortable with (!) – whether or not four-dimensional de Sitter spacetime (times some other six-manifold) is a solution of superstring theory.

(Hint: pre-KKLT, this story was a no-go theorem…)

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LHC nonsense

In amongst all the gravitas of the end of the semester, here’s a bit of levity… :-)

From the inimitable Bob Park ( we see a spirited defence of the LHC in the face of a mighty stupid lawsuit from some dude in Hawaii!

Technology has changed in the 400 years since Cervantes first told the
story of Don Quixote. Windmills are now particle accelerators and the
knight’s lance is a federal court injunction, but the plot is the same.
It begins with a befuddled lawyer in Hawaii named Walter Wagner. Having
read far too much science fiction as a youth, Wagner fantasizes that he is
a physicist by virtue of an undergraduate biology degree with a minor in
physics. Accompanied by Sancho, his loyal TA, Wagner embarks on an
adventure to slay the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), a doomsday machine that
he believes is posed to destroy the world by creating a black hole. He
seems to have forgotten the last time he tried this. In 1999 Wagner
warned that RHIC, the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider at Brookhaven
National Laboratory, must be slain lest it create a black hole . The then BNL
director, Jack Marburger, named a distinguished panel of physicists to
investigate. Their report noted that nature has been conducting the
relevant safety test for billions of years by colliding heavy-ion cosmic
rays with the moon. It concluded that creation of a black hole
is “effectively ruled out by the persistence of the Moon.”

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Lecture 04 Apr

Today we discussed the String Theory Landscape.

The Landscape – what’s all the fuss about?

Foci for today:

But first, here’s the famous peaks and valleys picture. :-)

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Lecture 02 Apr

Here are the files I lectured from today:

  1. Moving D-brane separation as toy model of scalar field involved in inflation (from my TASI lectures)
  2. Tracking fluctuations as well as motions (co-written with O.Saremi and L.Kofman)
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Exam date

Hi everyone,

Today we agreed that our class final exam will be held 1-5pm on Thursday 24th April. Each student will have a 30-minute envelope: 25 minute speech and 5 minutes Q&A. We will have four talks, a short break, and then four talks.


Prof. P.

P.S. (update 2008/04/11): one student was absent for a few weeks, but he’s back and he’ll be making a presentation too. Therefore we need to set aside time from 1pm until about 5:30pm on the Thursday 24th April. Thank you for your understanding.

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Lecture 31 Mar

Today we give an introduction to the AdS/CFT Correspondence. This is one of the most important advances in string or particle theory in the past decade-plus!  (Intro to AdS/CFT: p=3 and other cases)

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Lecture 28 Mar

Today we discuss BPS M-brane and Dp-brane geometries. We look at where these classical geometries become unreliable, by examining the two loop counting parameters of string theory: (a) the spacetime curvature in string units and (b) the [exponential of the] dilaton.  (Excerpts from my TASI notes)

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Final exam topics

The final presentations will take place from 1pm until approximately 5:30pm on Thursday 24th April in MP1115 (our usual room).

Final project presentations

  • Jean-Michel: Electromagnetic fields on D-branes
  • Simon: Born-Infeld electrodynamics
  • Alex: The Standard Model on intersecting D-branes
  • Alexey: E8xE8 model building and particle physics
  • Sergei: Compactification: tori and orbifolds
  • Siavash: The Hagedorn transition: thermal physics and the string partition function
  • Roberto: Black hole entropy in string theory
  • William: The AdS/CFT Correspondence
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