News media interactions
The items are listed in reverse chronological order.
- 2024
- Interviewed by TV Ontario, for their spring Telethon, answering the question
What is String Theory?
- 2022
- Interviewed by Kate Golembiewski for Discover Magzine article,
Might Be the Answer to a Decades-Old Paradox About Black Holes [23Feb'22]
- 2020
- Interviewed by Ryerson/TMU film students for documentary about pronouns and trans human rights [Oct'20]
- Interviewed by The Varsity, for article
U of T walks back on policy requiring instructors, teaching assistants to live near campus for fall semester [25Aug'20]
- 2019
- Interview for The Varsity, In The Spotlight series, In the Spotlight: Dr. A.W. Peet: Non-binary, trans, disabled physics professor talks inclusivity in academia [06Oct'19]
- Interview for article by U.Waterloo philosopher Prof. Shannon Dea in University Affairs magaazine, Academic freedom, scholarly responsibility and the new gender wars [02Aug'19]
- Interview for The Varsity, A duel of theories: quantum mechanics, general relativity — or both? [01Jun'19]
- Interviewed for and featured in the CBC POV documentary film Shut Him Down: the Rise of Jordan Peterson [02Nov'18]
- 2018
- Interview for The Varsity, Farewell, Professor Hawking [26Mar'18]
- Interview for UofT News on Remembering Stephen Hawking [14Mar'18]
- Interview for Kelly Cutrara's show on Toronto radio station AM640 on
The Legacy of Stephen Hawking [14Mar'18]
- 2017
- Interview for CBC
As It Happens
with Carol Off on university policy, U of T profs alarmed by Jordan Peterson's plan to target classes he calls 'indoctrination cults'
- Interview for National Post article on matter/antimatter asymmetry
Our universe should not exist, CERN antimatter study confirms
, [26Oct'17]
- 2016
- Over fifteen MSM and student newspaper interviews, for print, radio, and (live) television, concerning transgender human rights on campus. For details, go here. [Sep-Nov'16]
- Interview for Radio Wolfgang (based in London, UK) for the show Science(ish), explaining the physics of black holes in the movie Interstellar, April 2016.
- Interview for University of Toronto podcast,
How Lego Batman explains String Theory (Soundcloud link) [Apr'16]
- 2014
- Interview for National Post online news article, How falling in love allowed Stephen Hawking to transcend ALS and let his genius flourish [22Nov'14]
- Interview for CBC online news article,
Stephen Hawking's black holes 'blunder' stirs debate
, giving perspective on a new paper of Hawking's claiming that event horizons do not exist after all [29Jan'14]
- 2012
- Interview with eponymous host of the Tarek Fatah Show on Newstalk 1010 talk radio (Toronto); giving perspective on the Higgs discovery at CERN [08Jul'12] [listen here; to locate the episode, search for Amanda Peet]
- 2011
- Guest of Ms Cynthia Yao on CIUT campus radio, talking about the LHC search for the Higgs boson [19Dec'11]
- 2009
- Featured guest on live streaming video science podcast show Dr. Kiki’s Science Hour with Dr. Kiki (Kirsten) Sanford, episode 15, talking about dark energy and the shape of the universe and also the arrow of time [03Sep'09] [video]
- Featured guest on series of three live streaming video science podcast shows Maxwell’s House with Ray Maxwell, episodes 26 through 28, talking about modern quantum physics and string theory [14May'09, 28May'09, 04Jun'09] [video1 video2 video3]
- 2008
- Interview with Leo Laporte, nationally syndicated US radio show The Tech Guy, talking about the Large Hadron Collider and the Higgs boson [14Sep'08] [video]
- 2007
- Interview with Anna Maria Tremonti of CBC Radio One The Current; giving some perspective on the LHC [09May'07] [listen to part3.ram]
- 2006
- Interview on CBC Radio One show The Current; upholding the honour of string theory in the face of popular-book criticism [21Nov'06]
- Subject of page-width picture, accompanying article
The big idea that won't die
by Jim Cline, in Ottawa Citizen newspaper [23Oct'06]
- 2005
- Interview "When she's not organizing international conferences, mentoring students, and teaching general relativity, Amanda Peet works to understand string theory", by Dan Falk, online feature [08Dec'05]
- Quotes in weekend feature articles "Reading the mind of God" , by Ian MacLeod, Ottawa Citizen [19Nov'05]
- Co-authorship of lead article "Big Questions All Wrapped Up In Small Packages", by Amanda Peet and Pekka Sinervo, idea&s, UofT Faculty of Arts and Science magazine (for alums, donors, etc.), [Nov'05]
- Quote in article
Lacking Hard Data, Theorists Try Democracy
, by Dennis Overbye, New York Times [02Aug'05]
- Appearance in TV item on big questions in science, featuring Strings'05 conference I co-organized at UofT - aired on CBC The National flagship evening news program [14Jul'05]
- Featured presenter (taped for TV) at ideaCity 2005 conference [22Jun'05].
- Profile in article "For She's a Jolly Good Fellow (or Associate)", Trinity magazine [Spring'05].
- Expert panellist addressing
Why Einstein Matters
, for a public forum at York U. on 9th March 2005, broadcast in its entirety on Quirks and Quarks, CBC Radio One , 12:06-13:00 EST [12Mar'05].
- Appearance in TV news item on Toronto chapter of Skeptics Society , on Canada Now, CBC's nightly news program [21Feb'05].
- 2004
- Quotes from interview for Dan Falk's award-winning piece In the Beginning, aired on Ideas, CBC Radio One, 9pm [29Sep'04].
- House guest [live!] on the afternoon show Here and Now, hosted by Matt Galloway, CBC Radio One Toronto, 4-6pm [15sep'04].
- Interview on CBC Radio One Toronto Metro Morning, by Mary Wiens, in her series on Researchers putting Toronto on the map, 6:40am [15Sep'04].
- Interview in CBC Radio Saskatchewan special Gallery special, "The River of Time", aired June 19/20 [Jun'04].
- Initiator, host and primary organizer for high-profile Toronto Physics colloquium by Nobel Laureate Douglas D. Osheroff on Understanding the Columbia Shuttle Accident [22Jan'04]
- 2003
- Interview in PBS NOVA Peabody and Emmy award-winning TV documentary "The Elegant Universe" , first aired on PBS Oct 28 at 8-10pm and Nov 4 at 9-10pm [Oct-Nov'03] ; video etc. available on the NOVA show web site.
- Quotes in New Scientist magazine cover story
The truth about time travel
, by Ivan Semeniuk [20Sep'03] .
- Profile [group] in Radcliffe Quarterly magazine article "The Universe as They Know It" [Spring'03].
- Profile in Edge, UofT research, scholarship and innovation magazine :
Why, why, why?
(Next Generation), [Spring'03 ].
- Mention in Scientific American magazine article
Black holes and the information paradox
, by L.Susskind, in "Ubertheory" section of special issue "Edge of Physics" [Spring'03].
- Mention in University of Toronto magazine article
The Big Picture
, by Dan Falk [Winter'03].
- 2002
- Profile [group] in Harvard Magazine:
A Cluster of (Scholarly) Stars
, Radcliffe Institute / Harvard University [Nov-Dec'02].
- Front-page newspaper interview in the Vancouver Sun:
Physicists push theories of the universe to the edge
(Extreme physics and sequential patterns: Meet two generations of whiz-kids
) [18Jun'02].
- Mention in ISI Special Topics online article "Branes" , an interview of Prof. Igor R. Klebanov [May'02]
- Listing in University of Toronto newspaper Bulletin Awards and Honours, March 2002 [02Mar'02]
- Quotes in National Post newspaper article
Pulling the Right Strings
- Profile [brief] in popular book "Universe on a T-shirt" , by Dan Falk, ISBN 0670043354 [2002].
- 2001
- Profile in CIAR Reach magazine cover story
A New Wave: CIAR Welcomes a New Generation of Top Young Women Scientists
- Radio interview on CBC radio Quirks and Quarks award-winning piece "It's About Time! Inside the Fourth Dimension" [08Sep'01] [recorded from the studios of Aspen Public Radio KJAX].
- Quotes in New York Times newspaper articles
In Aspen, Physics on a High Plane
(front page of Science section) [28Aug'01]; see also An Online Archive With Mountain Roots
[28Aug'01]; and birthday party.
- Profile in New Zealand Education Review magazine,
A Drained Brain
- Profile [group] in Auckland Alumni Association Magazine cover story
Drained Brains
- 1997-2000
- Media release "Working Conditions, Not Taxes, Keep Expatriate Researchers Away" [16Nov'99].
- Quote in Nature magazine article
Opposition Pledges to Increase New Zealand Science Budget
- Involvement with Santa Barbara NewsPress article on Strings'98
- 1994-1997
- Quote in Stanford Today newspaper article "Far Fewer Sleepless Nights" [Sep-Oct'96].
- Listing in Stanford news release "Grad students honoured for teaching abilities" [28Jun'94].