Jamboree presentation
Prof. A.W. Peet, T-HEP faculty
- Gravity is my favourite force in the Universe.
- Einstein's General Relativity is a successful theory of classical gravitational fields, consistent with experiments all the way from micron scales out to the edges of the visible universe.
- But as a quantum field theory, it fails, giving nonsense at high energies like scattering probabilities >100%.
- How much can humans learn about Quantum Gravity? Black holes provide a fascinating laboratory for investigating this.
[Event Horizon Telescope 2024, polarized light from Sgr A* in Milky Way]
What is the fabric of spacetime made of?
- Black holes have hugely strong gravity near the singularity. There, we definitely need a quantum theory of gravity to do physics, such as string theory.
- What about near the event horizon? This is an open question.
- Hologram conjecture: a quantum gravity system can be alternatively represented by a special quantum field theory living in one less dimension. Earlier advances: spacetimes with Λ < 0. More recent advances: Λ = 0 cases also -
celestial holograms
- How does classical spacetime emerge from the quantum realm?
Invitation to chat
- I am currently looking for 1-2 new grad students. If you are considering T-HEP as a research field, please drop by my office / email me for a friendly chat.
- Please consult my contact page [password protected] for details about how to find me.
- Suggested courses:-
- QFT x 2
(PHY2403F, PHY2404S)
[required for T-HEP]
- GR x 2
(PHY1483F, PHY1484S)
, depending on your background
- For more info online, please visit my home page.